WXSIM (including WXSIMATE 9.2, WRET, WXSIM-Lite 2.8, AutoLearn-WX 3.9.5 demo, Euromix 1.3, and legacy wxsimatexp.exe for Windows XP users) - Full Version 2024 (Build 1.1), with demo sites, 4.91 MB, Download now: WXSIMDEM.EXE, and run this installer, preferably using the default targer folder c:\wxsim. Alternatively (if your antivirus objects to downloading .exe files): WXSIMDEM.ZIP (extract the .exe and run that, again, prefereably targeting c:\wxsim).
WXSIM (including WXSIMATE 9.2, WRET, WXSIM-Lite 2.8, and AutoLearn-WX 3.9.5 demo, Euromix 1.3, and legacy wxsimatexp.exe for Windows XP users) - Upgrade to Version 2024 (Build 1.1), FOR EXISTING USERS, 4.81 MB, Download now: WXSIMUPG.EXE, or alternatively (if your antivirus objects to downloading .exe files): WXSIMUPG.ZIP (extract the .exe and run that, targeting c:\wxsim, if that's where you installed originally).
Quick Start Guide (updated 2/5/2017, using the latest versions of the software!), as WXSIMQUICKSTART.PDF (1.5 MB).
WXSIM forecast verification study (Wordpad document), 0.48 MB, Download now: WXSTUDY.DOC.
Clima-Sim Climate Simulator Version 3.0, 3.47 MB, Download now: CLIMASETUP.EXE, or CLIMASETUP.ZIP
Purchase WXSIM Customization
You can now order directly from this page. Ordering is secure, because it is all done through the PayPal "Buy Now" buttons below. You can use your credit card and don't even need to have a PayPal account. I don't personally process the credit card information; PayPal takes care of that.
Note: Be sure to have already downloaded and tested the demo version(s) above. What you are actually paying for if and when you order is my time and effort setting up the data files for your specific site. If you need other ordering options, such as multiple sites or site licensing, go to the Ordering Information page.
Please also send an email advising me of your order, both as back-up notification and (optionally) to provide site information to help me get started on your job. In any case, I will be contacting you shortly (usually within a day or two).
WXSIM/WXSIMATE Customized Packages
Additional Fee for Site Licensing (only if you've ordered customization, either just now or previously)
About the "Donate" button: The main use of this button is to allow users to specify odd amounts for special services not covered by the options above, such as minor recustomizations or discounted additional sites. The other use is to contribute towards further development and help offset expenses of time and money (upgrades, supply of data and personal customer support - all of which are provided at no charge, hopefully for some time to come), which grow in proportion to the number of existing users rather than to the rate of new ones. Please don't feel obligated (as you've probably paid a decent price for the initial customization anyway!), but if you would like to contribute, your generosity is most appreciated!
Purchase Clima-Sim Registration (please send serial number from registration form in program to eburger@aol.com): (Note that this is NOT WXSIM - see above for WXSIM ordering options)
The shareware and upgrade downloads for WXSIM and WXSIMATE are in an easy- to-use form, as executable installers (compiled using Inno Setup, by jrsoftware). There's a 'Wizard' to guide you through the (very simple) process.
The installation is still very clean, with all program files for both WXSIM and WXSIMATE placed in a single directory (default name c:\wxsim), so uninstallation (as if you'd want to do that!!!) is very simple and total. Icons are provided and installed onto your Desktop and into the Program Files directory, so that you don't have to set up the shortcuts manually (though of course they can easily be removed if you like).
If you're new to WXSIM, you'll want the full 'demo' package, which is full-featured, but with Atlanta and a few other sample sites, instead of your own. The name of this file is wxsimdem.exe and it's about 3.74 MB, and installation takes only about 14 MB of disk space. If you're already a registered WXSIM user, you need the upgrade (wxsimupg.exe), which will leave your custom and initialization files alone.